Furmint wine is produced with the grape of the same name. This white grape of Hungarian origin is the third most widely planted in its country of origin, and is ideal for dessert wines. In fact, it is so popular that it has its own honor day. International Furmint Day is celebrated on February 1 in countries such as Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Croatia and Austria. And it is from this last country that our furmint wine comes from.
A good Canarian white wine is what you want to put on the table during these summer months. And it is that it has a fresh entry that is very grateful in this heat. And if it is kept at the right temperature, the effect is even more noticeable.
You can buy authentic Spanish orangewineonline with the careful selection that we have made at BlancoTinto for you. This striking wine has an ancient tradition that has gone unnoticed in favor of its parents, white wine and red wine. However, it is worth giving it a try. Once you try it, you will have a new favorite.
The wine from the Canary Islands has a history that exceeds half a millennium of tradition and wine culture. In fact, in its vineyards you can find the oldest land in Europe. Survivors of the phylloxera plague due to their isolated location, they are lands called indigenous, cultivated in their own roots. That is, it has not had to resort to grafts. Therefore, the minerals in the soil are used to the maximum.
The family winery “Sentencia” has given life to the new Sentencia wines from its own harvest, in order to maintain and protect a family legacy of good vineyards, which was almost completely uprooted.