The best white wine from the Canary Islands is in BlancoTinto
 15/07/2022 06:43:00
The best white wine from the Canary Islands is in BlancoTinto

Which Canarian white wine from BlancoTinto to buy

A good Canarian white wine is what you want to put on the table during these summer months. And it is that it has a fresh entry that is very grateful in this heat. And if it is kept at the right temperature, the effect is even more noticeable.

In addition, it is the best companion to combine with the dishes that go best during summer. That is, cold dishes followed by meat, fish and rice. Maritime dishes that we can enjoy during a vacation on the coast, or to give ourselves a well-deserved tribute.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that the Canarian white wine itself is unique and special due to the characteristics that its production entails, such as the characteristics of the volcanic soil and the role played by the climate.

At BlancoTinto we put all our effort and affection into choosing the best wines from little-known wineries and discovering little treasures for you. And this is why we distribute the productions of two incredible wineries in the Canary Islands: Llano Negros and La Tisalaya.

Do you want to know a little more about the wineries and what you can buy comfortably from anywhere in Spain? We present them to you below.

Canarian white wine cellars with which we work

Black Plains Winery

This Canarian white wine cellar is located on La Palma, in the Canary Islands. Specifically, in the municipality of Fuencaliente de la Palma, a closed area of land as difficult and fragile as it is beautiful. The demand for its production requires heroic viticulture, producing a quality comparable to the effort that must be invested in it.

And it is that Llano Negros does all the work by hand. Although the volcanic soil helps to reduce tasks, it is still a great sacrifice that is repeated year after year.

In addition, the integrated viticulture model is followed to follow natural prevention and sanitation measures. It only acts on it when there is a high risk of disease, and always with the least harmful products for the ecosystem. Especially when the auxiliary fauna plays an essential role of extra help in crops.

La Tisalaya Winery

Tisalaya is located in La Vegueta, in Las Palmas. It is a family winery that Miguel Morales started in 2017 with his first Canarian white wine, Tisalaya La Vegueta 2018. Its hallmark is the mixture of two white grapes: the long-lived Diego and the very aromatic Malvasia.

The Vijariego grape, originally from Lanzarote, grows in a vineyard located in the Timafaya National Park. This vineyard is about 60 years old and is planted in characteristic volcanic sand holes. About 250m above sea level. Some strains even date back more than 100 years.

On the other hand, in the Malvasía Volcánica plot it is cultivated in ditches in La Vegueta, in La Geria, and it is about 30 years old. This mode of planting is done in short rows, which are protected with smaller barriers made of volcanic stone.

Why white wine from Canarian wineries is the best for your table

White wine from the Canary Islands has become the essential summer for anyone who enjoys wine production. Especially the magnificent productions that are carried out throughout our country.

Do you want to know the secret that is so convenient for the summer months? White wines, in addition to freshness, fit at all times on the table. From starters (with less graduation) to meat and fish (more body).

As advice: The ideas is to start with a scented white and vary to rougher specimens.

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