Do you want to buy Canarian white wine? Come to BlancoTinto
 01/02/2022 06:43:00
Do you want to buy Canarian white wine? Come to BlancoTinto

What makes Canarian white wine so special?

White wine from the Canary Islands has become one of the most desired varieties on the tables of those who really know about wines and it is not for less. The Canary Islands are famous for the production of white wine from unique and native grapes. Mainly, with the aromatic Malvasía Volcánica and the long-lived Vijariego. In addition, the conditions of their land provide a differentiating touch that makes them stand out on their own merit.

The longevity of the vineyards of the Canary Islands are the main ingredient that provides such distinguishable characteristics. Mainly it is due to the direct contact of the plant with the volcanic earth itself. In addition, the altitude of the land and the changing climate, but mainly characterized by the scarcity of rain, conditions the land to favor the planting of different varieties of grapes.

You may be wondering why exactly white wine? What makes it stand out from the rest of the varieties? We tell you:

White wine is a viticulture classic that never goes out of style. This is thanks to the great variety of grapes and treatment with which it can be produced. If we add to this the ideal terrain and climate that the Canary Islands have, the quality result is fully guaranteed.

Its flavor balances between lightness and sweetness, with hints of acidity and a touch of fruit. If it has also been fermented in barrels, you will find a more intense and woody touch. In this way, they fit with a wide variety of dishes as long as they are more intense than the wine. For this reason, it works very well with fish and shellfish main courses, cheese and sausage appetizers, and sweet desserts.

The wineries with the best Canarian white wine

If you are looking for Canarian white wine from La Palma or Lanzarote, you are in the right place. Do you want to meet them?

Canarian white wine from Lanzarote

With its vineyard of more than half a century in the same Timanfaya National Park, the Tisalaya winery will surprise you with its Vijariego dry wine. Although this variety has been left in the shade in favor of the Malvasia, its great potential does not leave you indifferent.

The spectacular Tisalaya Diego 2017 or 2018 —pure vintage 100% Vijariego— and Tisalaya La Vegueta 2018 —a blend of Vijariego and Malvasía— are the wines that you can take home today. Especially if you take advantage of the last units. In each tasting you will enjoy the harvest in a volcanic sand hole at 250m above sea level. These Canarian white wines are fermented in stainless steel tanks for between 10 and 9 months, respectively, as well as being harvested and pressed by hand.

Canarian white wine from La Palma

The Llanos Negros winery sits in the vineyards of Fuencaliente, on the island of La Palma itself. Through the integrated cultivation method, with no other treatment than prevention and natural sanitation, it reinforces its naturalness. Worked entirely by hand, the annual effort is compensated with an explosion of flavor. Counting on numerous plots, such as La Tablada, La Time or La Batista, they offer wines with a wide variety of grapes. Its main ones are Malvasia Aromatica, Listan Blanco, Diego and the particular varieties of Gual and Sabro; from the main vineyard.

The white wines from this winery are characterized by representing their land in all its splendor. In other words, finding wines with a fruity essence with hints of spices, accompanied by a palpable touch of mineral salts. In general, these wines ferment in barrels or in stainless steel tanks, aging for up to 15 years in cement tanks.

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