Buying orange wine has never been so easy
 22/02/2022 06:43:00
Buying orange wine has never been so easy

Why is it fashionable to buy orange wine?

If you are looking for an online store where you can buy orange wine, also called brisado, from the best winegrowers, you are in luck. This type of wine has hundreds of years of history, however, it is recovering its popularity in recent years and it can be yours very easily thanks to BlancoTinto.

The peculiarity of this wine lies in its color, given by its production process. Accustomed to seeing white, rosé and almost black dark red wines, orange stands out for its uniqueness. But how is this wine made so that it obtains this color? Orange wine, like all wine, is made from the grapes that winegrowers take care of in their vineyards. In this case, from white grapes. The difference is in its production process:

White grapes are used and are made with the red wine process, leaving the skins with the must. In this way, the drink is dyed in this very particular color. We wonder what origin this special mixture can have. If you are curious too, stay with us to find out.

The elaboration of orange wine is closely linked to the practice of traditional wines and artisans with ancestral practices. In other words, a production process in which naturalness stands out above all else. Today, caring for the land that gives us home should be everyone’s priority. And the workers on the land know this better than anyone. In the vineyards it was not going to be different.

The winegrowers are dedicated to treating their land with care and respect, improving cultivation techniques to make them more sustainable. Do you want to know how this affects you?

Buy orange wine with an ancient tradition

The less external intervention a vineyard has, the better. Avoiding chemicals such as sulfites, or even some yeasts, makes the wine taste better for consumers and respects the original flavor of the grape used. For this reason it is important to know the origin of the wines and the winegrowers behind our bottles.

The skins that pigment the wine must in a copper layer that not only translates into color. This technique adds structure to the wine. In this way they are more protected for a useful life.

On the other hand, maceration depends on each winery and at BlancoTinto you can find organic wineries that hardly use external elements for the fermentation and production of their wines. If you have questions about which are these wineries or any other doubt, contact us and we will be happy to help you.

At BlancoTinto we have a wide selection of orange wines to buy so that you can find the one that best suits you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send us a message by form or contact us by email.

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