Llanos Negros, a Canarian winery with identity
 07/04/2022 06:43:00
Llanos Negros, a Canarian winery with identity

Discover the Canarian winery of Llanos Negros

Llanos Negros is located in Fuencaliente, a town on La Palma in the Canary Islands. A closed area of great particular beauty in a difficult and delicate land. Its lands are both acquired and inherited, and share the master treatment of all the professionals involved under the love of ancestral viticulture. From carpenters and masons to fishermen among many others.

The particularity of Llanos Negros comes from its heroic viticulture, also called risk, due to the complexity of its land and manual work. Its great quality comes from the physical and human effort invested to be able to carry it out.

Llanos Negros has eleven hectares located at 300-400 meters above sea level, with a density of approximately 1800 plants per hectare. And the vineyards are made up of 54 smallholdings of about 2,000 square meters.

On the one hand, the land has a slope of 10%. On the other hand, they have a southeast orientation and a semi-arid climate with an Atlantic influence.

Llanos Negros and sustainable wine growing

Llanos Negros is governed by the integrated viticulture regulations, a sustainable viticulture model in which environmental agrochemicals against pests are combined with traditional techniques. In this way, a healthy and respectful product is achieved that does not conflict with good quality. Llanos Negros uses preventive and sanitizing measures of natural origin, treating the land only when the level of disease risk is high. Always using products that do not endanger the flora and fauna found on the ground.

Respect for nature and life is a principle with strong roots for this La Palma winery. Integration with the ecosystem in its main commitment.

In this way, mechanizing the cultivation system is completely unfeasible. For this reason, all the work is purely manual, with the strength and sweat of men and women who, every year, carry baskets during the harvest season. However, the volcanic ash that covers the land prevents the growth of weeds, so the work on the land is reduced to a minimum by not having to manipulate it in any way.

Respecting the land and cultivation means favoring the native grapes that have been growing on these lands for centuries.

The careful teamwork has not only allowed us to maintain the pre-phylloxera varieties with more than 60 vintages, some with more than 200. Llanos Negros has not fallen into the temptation of changing the autochthonous grape varieties for foreign ones with higher production, but rather they remain loyal to their heritage.

Novelties of Llanos Negros that we offer you in BlancoTinto

If you like red wines, you will be interested in discovering the latest novelty of Canarian wine from Llanos Negros in BlancoTinto. From the 2020 vintage, Llanos Negros Los Grillos 2020 is a Negramoll grape production fermented in stainless steel tanks and aged for 9 months in French barrels. It is an Atlantic red made on the slopes of the old Teneguía volcano, which gives it a special category.

This wine gets its name from “Los Grillos” because of the plot where they grow the Negramoll grape. The vines are over 80 years old, some of them even reach 150 years. Planted in volcanic soils, like almost all Canarian terrain, covered with the so-called black sand or picón. The union of fermentation in stainless steel and rapid aging in French oak barrels, gives Los Grillos wine a great flavor with a light body and fragrant aroma, thanks to the notes of ripened fruit.

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