Buy Spanish orange wine: Curiosities
 24/01/2023 06:43:00
Buy Spanish orange wine: Curiosities

Everything you need to know before buying Spanish orange wine

When it comes to buying Spanish orange wine, many doubts can arise. Where does its orange color come from? Is it made from oranges and not grapes? Which is it’s flavor? Is it easy to pair? We have answers for all your questions. Keep reading this article and learn all the curiosities that are hidden behind orange wine.

Where does this characteristic wine come from?

It all started more than 6,000 years ago, when grapes macerated in clay vessels. Today, it is common to dispose of the skins, stems, or seeds of the grapes for this process. However, for this ancient method, everything was macerated in the same container, so that the resulting wine was tinted with shades of amber.

Buying Spanish orange wine is a custom that, after years out of consumer options, returns to the shopping lists of those who want to try something different. Orange wines are nothing new, but for those wine lovers who have not yet had the pleasure of trying one, this resurgence has been their discovery.

The flavor, aroma and texture of the famous breezed wine

Its characteristic flavor is what will drive you to buy Spanish orange wine. This is characterized by its robustness, intensity and different aromas. Its aromas have a great complexity that marks the difference between this type of wine with white grapes and the traditional ones without aging. Thus, they are drier and even grassy in taste, but it is this, together with the lack of acidity, that makes wine lovers want to continue trying it.

Its so different flavor is collected in the maceration process, where it also collects its characteristic colors, aromas and even textures that you will not forget on the palate.

When buying Spanish orange wine, think about its pairing

Have you ever thought about going to buy Spanish orange wine and have you surprised yourself thinking about what to drink it with? We give you the answer. As you already know, orange wine has great power, so meals with this same intensity will be the perfect pairing. By heavy meals we mean almost the entire range of Asian and even Moroccan food you can think of: Korean, Japanese, Moroccan and Ethiopian dishes.

Although if you do not want to go to dishes so far from our culture, you can try beef, pickles, very cured cheeses or complex vegetables. Any strong flavor is perfect to enhance the enjoyment of orange wine.

Our recommendations

We can suggest some wineries where you can go to buy Spanish orange wine with exceptional quality and flavors:

  • Brisat Pesseroles 2016 from Mas Martinet Viticultors
  • Purity 2017 by Pepe Mendoza, Casa Agrícola
  • Equànim Blanc Brisat 2020 by Els Vil·lusionistes
  • Ribolla Anfora 2011 from Gravner
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